About Millennials

Who are

Millennials, or Gen Y, were born between the early 1980s and the mid-to-late 1990s or early 2000s. They grew up in a rapidly changing world shaped by technology, globalization, and social media. Millennials are known for being tech-savvy, diverse, socially conscious, and entrepreneurial, although it's important to note that there can be significant individual differences and experiences within this group.

Understanding millennials is crucial because they now make up the largest workforce demographic and will soon become the majority of consumers. Businesses and organisations can better engage with this group by understanding their unique perspectives, values, and characteristics. Moreover, understanding millennials can foster better communication and collaboration among different age groups in the workplace and society, bridging the generation gap.

Whether you're a millennial seeking to gain a deeper understanding of your own cohort or someone from another generation looking to connect with millennials, the most frequently asked questions about millennials can provide valuable insights and practical tips for navigating the world of Gen Y. This resource can equip you with the knowledge you need to better understand yourself as a millennial, effectively engage with millennials and build meaningful connections with this dynamic and influential demographic.

Frequently asked questions about millennials

What are the characteristics of millennials?

What do millennials value?

What are some of the challenges faced by millennials?

How are millennials changing the workplace?

How are millennials impacting society and culture?

What are some common misconceptions about millennials?